I came home from work one day and the sprinklers had stained my beautiful French windows. One use of Bio-Clean and the water spots were gone. It was like new again.
- J.Denver; Boulder, CO
I used to use products such as A-Maz and like brands. My water stains kept coming back and I was spending hundreds of dollars cleaning the same spots. Bio-Clean’s president, Robert Harborth sent me a sample water stain remover and I have never looked back. My business has saved thousands of dollars. Thanks Robert!
- Katie Kinley; Tampa, Florida
The best thing about Bio-Clean is that its cheap, its harmless and it works!! Go Bio-Clean!
- Jason Yost; Atlanta, Georgia
I met Robert at the Sema Trade show in 2006. He gave me his business card and a sample of thr 20Oz Water Stain Remover. He saved my business. Clients were so happy with their auto detailing and clean windows that my business is thriving. Without Bio-Clean my windows would be second hand.
- Larry Roberds; Las Vegas, Nevada
I detail and sell boats for a living. I have been in the business over 30 years and I have over 100 employees. I came across Bio-Clean at the hardware trade show in 2007 and at first was skeptical that the water spot remover product would work on my boats. I tried the product and within weeks ordered hundreds of bottles. Now my business has been listed in the boat exclusive magazine for quality products. Customers are amazed at the shine and always thank me for putting in new windows…I didn’t I just cleaned them with Bio-Clean! I recommend Bio-Clean to everyone and personally give you my word it works. Bio-Clean you have set new standards!
- Randy Wilson; Seattle, Washington

WOW!! I got some Samples at my Local Ace Hardware on the South Hill in Spokane, WA a Month ago & I used it in my toilet today. It took the hard water ring out with some scrubbing while I wore rubber gloves. I am Impressed!!
- Stacey Lyle